Turn Your Speakers ON

Mar 30, 2009

Nisah Scratched Me

Mood: WTF FTW!

Today was fine, wait on second thought make it G
REAT! I've got loads of stuff to tell you people. Ok first off, I woke up early today so that I can fix my hair and make it awesome. So after that I wen't to school and met my friends again. So what was great was I lightly slapped Nisah and she was like shocked because she thought I would never do that. And then when I tried to do it once more she grabbed my hand (she held my hand :D, I mean WTF?) and tried to break it. But when she realised that trying to break my hand would be an epic fail, she moved on to something else. Instead, she took out her claws and scratched my wrists. I'm not surprised about what she has done because I know she is a mixture of a cat, tiger, lion, wolf, owl and retarded sea monkey. Here are some pictures of the scratches. And she did not only scratch my right wrist, she even scratched my left wrist but the right wrist was the most damaged

I shall sue you for 50 cents because of this eerie injury!

And maybe I think you people are wondering who is Nisah. Well she is my epic fail, sinting best friend and would do almost ANYTHINg to get me pwned. Here's a picture of both of us I edited.


Hajieks said...

She want's to touch me WOAH,
She want's to love me WOAH,
She'll never leave me, WOAH,

Icky said...

don't trust a
never trust a
won't trust a
cause the won't trust me