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Apr 9, 2009

Today's Stuff (9.4.2009)

Mood: Puffed Out

Right, so today was fine. Well almost like any other normal day except for that fact that Nisah looked so calm today. For some reason she didn't harm me at all except for pushing me a couple of times. Last night she said that she was gonna punch me in the face today.

So eventually nothing much happened at school just now. Because people were acting lame and dumb for some stupid boring reason. And I almost forgot, one of our teachers got his car scratched and side mirror or side screen (I don't really know cause he said mirror only) broken off.

So what happened in ugama today was that test thing again. I finished early and I actually fell asleep. Plus, I dreamed about stuff and it was random. I dreamed about me playing the drums and random talking scenes of me talking to Firah, Nisah and Diyana and while I was talking to them it looked like a movie trailer. I mean it was all music, no talking sounds which was epic.

So well during break at ugama, I took this random stapler from a friend's table and played with it. Somehow, an idea of stapling people's sinjangs popped up. So I stapled every dude's sinjang that passed by me which was Ishak, Nasri, Zaki and Hasra I guess, well maybe there's more but I only remembered stapling them both. It was great though looking at them walking without even realizing that there's a staple on their clothing.

So well that's probably it for today. So see ya all in the next post which would probably be tomorrow. And now that I've mentioned tomorrow, were gonna have Friday Class well tomorrow from 7:45AM to 11:45AM. I'll take pics with my mobile and post it here if my mobile comes home safe with me. And now I have to wait for my parents and little sister after going on a little "vacation" to Kota Kinabalu.